empirical equations of state câu
equations of state
So for two types of equations of state andVới cách phân loại theo hai văn bản của Chính phủ và For general equations of state, if clas...

Man does not live only in the empirical world.Con người đâu chỉ sống trong thế giới thực dụng. So this indeed correspond to an empiric...

You can use it to solve nonlinear equations.Nó có thể dùng để giải quyết các phương trình không cân. The equations of motion, which yo...

empirical data
"One in three, based on empirical data.“Một trên ba, dựa theo số liệu xác xuất thực tế. “One in three, based on empirical data.“Một tr...

empirical design
Unfortunately, most traditional shear design procedures rely upon empirical design rules which lack a rigorous theoretical basis and ca...

empirical equation
Let’s suppose that there is a device that uses an empirical equation to calculate total body water.Hãy giả sử rằng có một thiết bị sử d...

empirical law
Benford collected a large number of naturally occurring data (including population, areas of rivers, physical constants, numbers from n...

empirical method
Science is founded on the empirical method; that is to say, on experience and observation.Khoa học được thành lập dựa trên phương pháp ...

empirical parameter
By introducing the w:quantum defect d as an empirical parameter, the energy levels of a generic atom were well approximated by the form...

empirical process
When organizations choose to implement an empirical process primarily through Scrum, there should be no need for Agile Coaches.Khi các ...

empirical relation
This empirical relation can be derived from the kinetic theory of gases under the assumption of a perfect (ideal) gas.Mối quan hệ thực ...

empirical relationship
Wind speed on the 1946 Beaufort scale is based on the empirical relationship:Tốc độ gió trên thang Beaufort mở rộng 1946 dựa trên công ...

empirical research
Empirical Research on Accounting Choice.Nghiên cứu thực chứng về sự lựa chọn chính sách kế toán Empirical research on accounting choic...

empirical testing
Empirical testing of blocking buffers is essential in optimizing a western blot experiment.Thử nghiệm các đệm khóa màng là rất cần thiế...

constitutive equations
In some cases the permeability may be a second rank tensor so that H may not point in the same direction as B. These relations between ...

differential equations
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2012.được đăng tải trên JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, June 2006. International Jour...

equations of motion
The equations of motion, which you will find in my book.Sự cân bằng chuyển động, xem trong sách của tôi. Substituting in the Lagrangia...

friedmann equations
There are two independent Friedmann equations for modeling a homogeneous, isotropic universe.Có hai phương trình Friedmann độc lập cho ...

hamilton's equations
In contrast, in Hamiltonian mechanics, the time evolution is obtained by computing the Hamiltonian of the system in the generalized coo...

maxwell equations
Featured T-Shirt: Maxwell EquationsPhương trình Maxwell (Maxwell Equations) Faraday’s law is one of the four Maxwell equations that de...

maxwell's equations
This form is covered as one of Maxwell's equations below.Dạng này là một trong các phương trình Maxwell ở dưới. Maxwell's Equations in...

normal equations
This problem is solved in the general linear model by using a generalized inverse of the X’X matrix in solving the normal equations.Vấn...

parametric equations
Another important use of parametric equations is in the field of computer aided design (CAD).[4] For example, consider the following th...

set of equations
So, in my understanding an FRP program is a set of equations:Vì vậy, trong sự hiểu biết của tôi một chương trình FRP là một tập các phư...

simultaneous equations
Solve the following simultaneous equationsphương trình đồng thời simultaneous equations équations simultanées That is, the pair of sim...